Friday, March 21, 2008

Attained Nirvana!!

Who says gravity exists? Yes.. it indeed doesn't. No.. the earth doesn't suck either. Probably Newton never achieved Nirvana- and that's why he felt gravity. Who says you've to be an astronaut to fly in space? I was neither newton nor an astronaut yesterday- yet i flew; i flew against the law of gravity. Well, we planned to celebrate Holi in college yesterday and I personally hate this festival as its a messy affair. But i was coaxed a lot by my friends and so I finally gave in but i was against playing with water. They got bhaang and we had it raw first with water, then with lassi and finally with paan. We girls never knew the after effects of it and our fellow male classmates stopped us from going beyond 1. But we waited for half an hour after popping in the first goli and then out of frustration I ended having 2.5 golis more. The other gals had 2 in all and I had 3.5 golis in all. We kept throwing colors, we clicked photos-nothing happened. Then suddenly, something came into me. I felt drowsy, as though someone was pulling me away from something. I've had hard drinks but I never got this high and the high that the bhaang gave me was totally opposite. I was flying- I witnessed the outerspace, i touched the moon, the stars and the other planets. For others my feet was grounded, but I was flying from within. I could just hear voices but couldn;t figure out what people were talking. Nobody existed around for me. It was just me. My spirit probably just came out, started wandering everywhere. I could reach places where I've never been- I travelled round the entire earth. I almost met The Almighty! I could feel the clouds dashing against my hand. I never knew there were swings in space. I flew, i danced, I sang with myself in space. I came close to myself! I was nobody's daughter, nobody's best friend, nobody's lover, nobody's sister, not a student.. I was just "ME" with no boundaries, no rules and restrictions. The feeling was like that of a bird been set free from a cage after years. I could hear my inner soul speaking to me. Slowly after wandering everywhere my soul started coming back to me. While the others had panic attacks and wanted this strong high to just mellow down, i wished it would last forever. I was on cloud Nine with no-one to stop me from what I wanted to do! It was amazing! I indeed achieved Nirvana- An experience of a lifetime!! Psst...the hangover is actually very bad- i'm still floating a bit while writing this...!!hehehe...